To generate a Stub for the image from external sources using External Content library, its tricky to generate stub. if you have 100s of images to be imported and then putting those into SDL Tridion using ECL, its very time consuming
so we used following way to generate stub at run-time
Code Snippet:
This code create the ECL compatible URI which will be later used to generate the actual stub
Following code is baseclass and instantiate the client to create the stub using following settings
following snippet was used to create the actual stub in the CMS
it returns key value pair
ECLID as key
TCMID as Value
so we used following way to generate stub at run-time
Code Snippet:
This code create the ECL compatible URI which will be later used to generate the actual stub
public string GetUris(string publicationId, CustomImage image)
if (image.d != null)
return string.Format("ecl:{0}-mm-{1}-dist-file", publicationId, image.Id);
Following code is baseclass and instantiate the client to create the stub using following settings
<endpoint name="EclBinaryEndpoint" address="net.tcp://localhost:2660/ExternalContentLibrary/2012/netTcp" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="EclNetTcpBinding" contract="Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.Service.Client.ISessionAwareEclService"/>
public abstract class TridionEclBase
protected static Client tridionClient { get; set; }
public TridionEclBase()
tridionClient = Client.GetClientInstance();
following snippet was used to create the actual stub in the CMS
public class CreateImageStub : TridionEclBase
private SessionAwareEclServiceClient eclServiceClient;
public CreateImageStub()
: base()
{ }
public Dictionary<string, string> CreateImageStubByEclUir(List<string> eclUrl)
return eclServiceClient.CreateOrGetStubUris(eclUrl);
it returns key value pair
ECLID as key
TCMID as Value
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