December 09, 2014

CXM: Customer Experience Managment-tridion

Customer Experience Management (CXM) is a strategy and practice for managing customer
experiences online and offline to acquire, retain, and turn customers into satisfied, loyal brand
advocates and ambassadors.(Wiki)

I heard this acronym around 1.5 year back in a discussion and then found lots of  information from Forrester and RealstoryGroup.

Some says" is nothing more than a feature arms race between companies that have latched onto a false "next big thing". These features were not developed in response to actual customer needs or requests. I never hear anyone talking about CXM except for CMS vendors and analysts."

As per my view, CXM Make sense in lots of context.

Following example describe a particular experience of an user. and how different type of module/systems enhance the experience of user.

  1. Raj get to know of discount on newly launched restaurant in his Area via a Ad on search engine - Ads
  2. He browse the restaurant website on his Mobile. - Mobile Delivery
  3. Check few restaurant picture and details -  DAM/MAM
  4. Then Browse the reviews of restaurant on the website and yelp!! - Reviews, Ratings
  5. Raj also checks restaurant 's Facebook page for more reviews. - Social Share, Social Listening.
  6. He finally calls their customer care to book the restaurant. - Customer care

if we replace restaurant with a Mobile phone.

  1. Customer buy the phone from the Website. E-commerce
  2. Website also add some loyalty points for his buying which could be later on used for buying some other product. - Loyalty management 
  3. Share the review on website & his joy on Social media.
  4. On revisiting the website, website come up with accessories and other stuff related to his past browsing and buying experience.  Personalization. 
  5. Vendor sends him various coupons/products information or email on his mobile/mail - Coupon management, Campaigning
CXM Technology Ecosystem

   IMAGE Courtesy:  rEALsTORY gROUP

SDL Tridion as CXM Capabilities.

Recently SDL launched new offering SDL Customer Experience Cloud which is an SaaS based solution and provide provide most of the features from above pictures on cloud in integrated mode. It seems very promising and give a leg-up to SDL in very competitive CMS world. 

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